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Growing Greener Project – Grow Your Veggies. . . and Eat Them Too!

Grades K-8th


After a long hot summer of working in the garden, Dundee Gardens has a harvest of vegetables to offer! So, what do you do with all of those green beans and snap peas, tomatoes and cucumbers? Why you eat them of course?

Your child will not eat broccoli you say? They turn their nose up at anything green, you say?  Are French Fries considered a serving of vegetables? They will after this class!

Here at Dundee Gardens, children get hands and prep their own delicious ways to eat their veggies. Trying new foods will be encouraged, and learning about the plant, the growing and harvesting process, and the many uses for those veggies, will be just a few of the topics explored.

Food should be clean, healthy, fresh and fun. We promise they will taste the broccoli – you are welcome in advance!

(Please alert staff to any and all food allergies prior to class participation.)